Currently in Paja Gallery

Samira Belorf accompanied the metal band Zeal & Ardor for three weeks on their European tour in the winter of 2022. A publication was created from the illustrated impressions of this trip. The drawings and short comics give an insight into life on tour and show what it takes to make each concert run like a well-oiled machine.

Samira Belorf (b. 1993) is an illustrator and comic artist. She lives and works in Basel (CH). Her children’s book ”Hier bin ich doch!“ will be published in autumn 2023 by atlantis Verlag. Her stories often treat topics like everyday life and interpersonal relationships. She also handles the subject of racism and discrimination in her educational comics.

What is Paja Gallery

Paja Gallery is an exhibition space established in 2020 as part of Kalasataman Seripaja. The gallery hosts monthly rotating exhibitions. The use of the exhibition space is free. Exhibition applications should be sent to kalasatamanseripaja[at]